Friday 1 November 2013

Chocolate Review: Kit Kat Cookies & Cream

     Yet more of the sort of tosh that the internet is stuffed with: a review of a chocolate bar used as an excuse to eat more chocolate.

     Kit Kat wrappers carry a hint at the flavour with the colour of the wrapper - brown for dark chocolate, green for mint, orange for, erm, orange, so the cookies & cream wrapper is...the blue of a Heinz baked beans tin, with a Fairtrade symbol.

     I try to savour the taste by letting it rest on my tongue, rather than wolfing it down like the Cookie Monster, who happens to be a similar blue to the wrapper, which may have been their intention.  The bar itself is a pleasant mix of white and milk chocolate with the usual wafer in the middle.  It is a taste that I've only experienced before in 'posh' chocolates in small doses, but without the wafer, which softens the 'bite'.  Overall a little bit different but while very nice doesn't actually taste of cookies & cream.

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