Monday 9 December 2013

Chocolate Review: Dairy Milk Oreo

Slightly over-exposed packshot
At work I was once offered an Oreo cookie and said that I thought they tasted like charcoal. But took one all the same. The person who offered them to me thought that this was rather fickle.
The 'charcoal' thing was what put me off when approaching the Oreo Dairy Milk bar. Would it be exceedingly gritty with hard pieces in the chocolate ?  Hence it was a pleasant surprise that there's not much 'charcoal' in the bar but a lot of "vanilla flavoured filling" which is creamy in texture. There is a slightly gritty feel from the remaining bits of 'charcoal', sorry, biscuit but not enough to detract from the fact that this is a very tasty and enjoyable bar.


  1. More chocolate reviews please!

    1. Two currently on 'hold'. Otherwise I need to eat the chocolate before I can review it.
