Sunday 27 April 2014

Review: Dog Birthday Cake

Now, this may seem rather odd as I can't actually canvass the opinion of the eater of the dog birthday cake because she's a dog.
It looks like an out-of-date hamburger patty that's been iced and re-sold in an attempt to fill a gap in the market.  It is very hard and looks a bit like a charcoal briquette. The box says it's made from meat and animal derivatives, by which I think they mean the recovered bits that aren't fit for human consumption.
     It obviously smells good to a dog because she took the box and wandered off into a corner so it wouldn't be taken off her.  I then had to take it off her in order to take it out of the box, so she wouldn't eat that as well. Despite it being rock hard and, seemingly, only cuttable with an angle grinder, the dog made very short order of it. However it did look afterwards as if someone had trodden dried mud into the carpet. 
     In fact, so much did the dog enjoy it that a few days later she pinched the remaining bit of another dog cake I had given to another dog that wasn't allowed to eat the whole thing in one go.
     Hence I would say that it must taste good to a dog and was clearly  a hit.

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